We guide individuals, teams and businesses toward integrating the practice of mindfulness and meditation into their day to day personal and professional lives. We help individuals and teams harness the power of present awareness, helping to build objectivity and inner balance, reducing stress and enhancing creativity.


"At Conscientium we do not subscribe to the popular misconception by business leaders that mindfulness is another tick in the box in the required CV for executive promotion to leadership.

Rather, we recognise that practicing mindfulness and meditation in the workplace is a cultural shift that will positively impact the lives of all participants. If taught correctly, the benefits yielded will permeate to all aspects of both professional and personal life."

Bernd M Neckel, Conscientium's Founding Principal


The work of Conscientium has three key objectives:

1.       To teach mindfulness and meditation as a core component of ones day to day life.

2.       To assist teams and businesses in facilitating the continuance of mindfulness and meditation practice as part of the working culture.

3.       To help increase awareness of the benefits of mindfulness practice amongst business leaders and key social and cultural influencers."

For the latter part of a 35 year professional career I have been practicing mindful meditation. Conscientium's formation in 2014 was primarily in response to a growing desire by individuals and professional teams to help induce a more natural culture of positivity and fearless creativity in both personal and group enterprise. In professional environments, past methods of executive driven conformity and relying on fear of failure is no longer fit for purpose. Response to change has become the modern benchmark for business success but as individuals we need to learn not only how to deal with change positively but to welcome it as part of life's richness. The practice of mindfulness invigorates our positivity, releases the attachments holding us back and allows our acceptance and creativity to work hand in hand in response to an ever changing world.

Of course, our work is a very significant part of our life experience, together with our relationships, health and security. Nevertheless, all these things are not constants and therefore, cannot be relied upon. The true measure of our well being is not what happens to us or what issues we have to face but our state of mind when the unexpected inevitably occurs.

That's where developing a meditation practice with the help of Conscientium comes in. Being anchored to an inner peace and stillness, regardless of what issues present themselves, is in alignment with our true nature as human beings. It empowers; our connectivity to all those around us, creativity in all we do and our natural positivity regardless of circumstances.

The reconnection of this innate inner peace and stillness within us, is at the heart of all Conscientium's coaching and counselling, regardless of whether students are individuals, teams or business leaders. These principals apply to all.

To discuss these issues in more detail please contact Bernd Neckel at info@conscientium.com and I will be happy to arrange an introductory meeting or conference call.

Conscientium’s teaching is aligned with the Mindfulness Association’s methodology, course structure and content.