"As a high ranking professional in the public service dealing with both critical incidents and the impact of significant organisational change, I have no doubt of effectiveness of Conscientium's Mindful Man programme. Learning to meditate in a peaceful and nurturing environment has given me a new skill set; one which calms both the mind and body making them as one. I have found that this has reduced the impact of stress, given me a greater self-awareness and importantly made me more focused at work. It has also finally allowed me to be a peace with myself to enjoy life to its maximum”.

Senior Police Officer

"Being exposed to mindfulness has helped me start change the way I deal with the causes of the day-to-day stress I encounter in the swirl of demands in my work. I am starting to see how adopting the reflective attitudes of mindfulness and practices such as meditation can help me reduce the internal generation of stress, feel more incontrol, and be more focused, more productive, and ultimately happier both at work and in my personal life."

Scientific Software Developer

"Embarking on the experience of Mindfulness at Foundation Level with Conscientium, has simply reinforced my belief of the benefit this will have, to myself, my family and colleagues and indeed to those in my community with whom I engage. Becoming mindful and appreciative of the world in which we live today, valuing its worth and potential whilst recognising the harm we are capable of in terms of ourselves and our environment brings a warmth to my heart and soul.  Being conscious of the present, and my place within this world has already reaped a rich harvest for me personally and I am very keen to extend this practice in caring for others, often less fortunate and frequently too committed and engaged in the demands of our time. I have no hesitation in recommending this practice.” 

 Senior Health Manager

"The company I work for knows it is very demanding and puts on pressure to employees. But being conscious of that, they also try to offer alternatives for the employees to manage stress, have a better nutrition, improve family relationships, etc. Under the Wellbeing programme, on behalf of Conscientium, Bernd gladly accepted our invitation to come along to talk about Mindfulness Meditation and the relationship between the body and the mind. Bernd is a natural talented speaker and the audience really got the message, as they never thought about awareness before this talk. So good, we invited them a second time for a Quiet Time Session of guided meditation at lunch time. This session has been the most successful and well attended one, so far."

Associate, State Street Global Services